TBA (22W154)
An Interactive Online Tool to Facilitate Communication with Ukrainian Patients Presenting with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
M. Doyle, K. Allen, N. Breslin
Department of Gastroenterology, Tallaght University Hospital, Tallaght, Dublin 24
Subsequent to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 47,962 Ukrainians had arrived in Ireland by 07 August 2022. Some of these arrivals will require ongoing management of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), with most recent data suggesting a Ukrainian prevalence of 112.3 cases of IBD per 100,000 population. Refugees with IBD are faced with many challenges, including language and communication difficulties, which can persist on arrival to Ireland.
We sought to develop a structured, accessible, and reproducible online tool to facilitate initial communication with Ukrainian patients presenting acutely with active IBD.
Using free online survey and translation software, an iterative and patient-centred process was used to construct an interactive multilingual (English, Ukrainian, Russian) questionnaire. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease-specific variants were developed. A quick response (QR) code was then generated, using another free online application, to provide image-based access to the questionnaire through the respondent's own mobile device.
The resulting questionnaire seeks to gather information pertinent to the management of IBD in the acute setting, such as current and previous treatment, and time since IBD diagnosis. By incorporating disease activity indices, the questionnaire also facilitates stratification of disease severity. Responses are anonymised at source and are rapidly available at the time of completion.
A point-of-care communication aid was developed using widely available online software to facilitate early management of Ukrainian patients presenting with active IBD. We hope to trial the questionnaire at our institution, to circumvent language barriers in the event of such presentations.