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ISG Hybrid Winter Meeting 2022
TBA (22W158)
A real world review of dose escalation and treatment failure ofTofacitinib in ulcerative colitis in a Tertiary Referral Centre
ISG Hybrid Winter Meeting 2022
TBA (22W111)
A Retrospective Analysis of Fat Composition in a Cohort of Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
ISG Winter Meeting 2015
Poster (15W189)
A retrospective analysis of morning and afternoon colonoscopy in a busy endoscopy centre: Does time of day affect quality?
ISG Summer Meeting 2016
TBA (16S126)
A single centre evaluation of the accuracy of an Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure grading system in predicting mortality in cirrhotic patients admitted to the Mater hospital
TBA (20W155)
A systematic review, metabo-meta-analysis and cohort validation of the prognostic value of metabolomics with genomic SNP cross-talk for colorectal cancer recurrence and five year overall survival
ISG Hybrid Winter Meeting 2022
TBA (22W160)
A Test And Treat Strategy For H.pylori Infection: Is It Failing As A Result Of Inappropriate Follow Up?
ISG Hybrid Winter Meeting 2022
TBA (22W125)
Abnormal Liver Blood Tests in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
ISG Winter Meeting 2023
TBA (23W116)
Absent contractility: Consequence or cause of Supragastric Belching.
ISG Winter Meeting 2015
Poster (15W171)
Accuracy of Blood Tracer Technology in Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy
ISG Winter Meeting 2015