ISG Hybrid Winter Meeting 2022
Endoscopy E-Poster - First Prize
Eimear Gibbons
Connolly Hospital, Blanchardstown, Dublin
Two-year experience of delivering a new colon capsule service in an Irish teaching hospital
TBA (22W147)
Two-year experience of delivering a new colon capsule service in an Irish teaching hospital
E Gibbons, I Shah Afridi, C Smyth, RJ Farrell, O Kelly, B Hall
Department of Gastroenterology, Connolly Hospital and RCSI, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15
Colon capsule endoscopy (CCE) is a non-invasive, ambulatory method of viewing the entire large bowel without the need for sedation, a day-ward bed or invasive colonoscopy. It carries minimum risk. It has been demonstrated to be comparable to colonoscopy and CT colonography for detection of colonic pathology. It has been shown to be useful in both symptomatic screening participants and after incomplete colonoscopy.
To retrospectively review the delivery of a new colon capsule service with regards to indications, outcomes, use of prep and boosters, complications and patient experience.
All colon capsules performed over an 18 month period were included. A comprehensive database has been developed for the purpose of audit and research and this was used to garner necessary information. We spoke with 20 patients via telephone to capture their experience.
81 colon capsules were completed between March 2021- August 2022 (median age 57, range 19-92, M:F 31:50). The most common indications were incomplete colonoscopy (29.6%) and constipation (42%). Patency capsules were used in 5 patients and prokinetics were required in 40.7%. 34.5% of capsules had no significant finding, requiring no follow-up. 38.2% were subsequently referred for colonoscopy. 18.5% of capsules were deemed incomplete. Of these, 60% had failed prep, and in 40% the battery died before excretion.
The use of CCE is now endorsed by the ESGE in certain situations. It seems to be more acceptable to patients. Further studies should look at its use in surveillance groups and the use of FIT as a filter test.