Call For Abstracts
ISGE Summer 2025 Meeting Registration
The Society has invited suitable applicants to submit research abstracts in the time frame outlined and in association with the guidelines shown.
The following is the Abstract submission time schedule for the ISG Summer Meeting 2025 being held on the 22nd and 23rd May , 2025.
Registration is now OPEN. There will only be ONLINE registration for this meeting.
Those submitting an abstract must pre register online for the meeting.
Case Studies will be accepted for this meeting.
Meeting Abstract submissions Guidelines
1. Abstracts must be submitted in the timescale allowed. Please submit your abstracts early
- Submission Start Date : Monday 3rd February, 2025
- Closing Date for Abstracts : Tuesday 18th March, 2025
- Closing Date for Case Studies: Monday 31st March, 2025
2. All abstracts must be submitted online using the online template.
3. Your submission should include all the personnel involved (presented in format Surname, Initial) in addition to your hospital/institution details.
4. Please ensure that all authors and your supervisor (senior author) have reviewed and are aware that they are included in your submission.
5. The text of an abstract submission must not exceed 250 words (excl. title, authors and institute), anything over this will be rejected for the current meeting.
6. Tables, Graphs, Figures or References are not allowed.
7. The title of the abstract should be typed in title case (i.e. the first letter of each word should be capped) there should be no full stops.
8. Maximum length of an abstract should be one side of an A4 sheet. Please use Times New Roman, font size 12, single spacing.
9. The authors name should only include initials and surname and should be listed under title (e.g. J. Smith). The first named author should be the presenter on the day and the main contact for the submission. Any change to this arrangement should be immediately communicated to the ISG Administrator.
10. Any awards will go to the first author/presenter as named. First author cannot be changed after submission.
11. The address should be listed next (Department, Hospital/Institution, Town, County)
12. The following subheadings should be completed
- Introduction/ Aim / Method / Results / Conclusions
13. The selected Review Panel will make the recommendations for presentation (Oral or Poster ) and have the final say in any area of conflict.
14. Each author will be restricted to one oral presentation at the meeting, but he/she may contribute to other presentations.
15. All authors will be informed of the status of their submissions at least 3 weeks prior to the meeting. All submissions must have a contact number attached.
16. There will be no charge for Abstract Submissions. Authors may submit more than one entry.
17. All presenting authors must pre register online for the meeting.
18. All submissions will be acknowledged automatically by the online system. The receipt reference should be quoted for any query.
There is a sponsored prize fund for the best submissions (Oral & Poster ).