Launch of COVID-19 HSE Clinical Guidance and Evidence website.
A HSE Repository for Interim Clinical Guidance and Evidence for the clinical community is now available. This website is mobile/tablet friendly and is available through the following link – https://hselibrary.ie/covid
The site contains:
- HSE Interim Clinical Guidance to provide consistent advice to the clinical community in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This is based on best available knowledge at the time of completion, written by clinical subject matter experts (SMEs) working with the HSE. These SMEs have both expertise and experience of treating patients for the specific health conditions covered by the guidance.
- Research evidence summaries prepared by the HSE National Library Evidence team and other stakeholders.
- Facility to request additional published Covid19 evidence in relation to specific clinical questions
- Links to point of care tools and educational resources
The content of the site is not meant to replace clinical judgment or specialist consultation, but rather strengthen clinical management of patients and provide up-to-date and relevant guidance. The guidance is iterative in nature and will be updated as the situation changes.
This guidance must be read in conjunction with National HSE Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Guidance for Possible or Confirmed COVID-19
To enable easy access through your mobile/tablet devices insert and save https://hselibrary.ie/covid in your device.
If you have any queries please contact clinicaldesign@hse.ie