Our next ESGE Quality in Endoscopy symposium focusing on “IBD & Nutrition” will take place on March 31 – April 1, 2017 in Dublin, Ireland, together with our colleagues from ESPEN.
We want to make this a resounding success and would be very grateful for your help in making this happen. I am pleased to be able to inform you that the a brand new QinE website has been launched.
As you will see on the new-look website, the call for submissions has been announced and registration is now open. Now is the time to start really spreading the word to encourage colleagues to get involved with this event.
With this in mind, I would ask you to circulate this information to your young (and not so young) colleagues and to encourage them to attend the meeting.
Points of interest you may wish to pass on:
– 500€ travel grant plus waived registration fee for top accepted abstracts and case presentations from young authors. Additional accepted abstracts and cases will be offered the reduced member registration fee
– Abstract submission deadline: Sunday, January 22, 2017
– Case presentation submission deadline: Sunday, January 22, 2017
– Early bird registration fee for ESGE IMs (deadline February 5, 2017)
– Academic Skills Course: Thursday, March 30, 2017
– Hands-on training: Sunday, April 2, 2017
It has been noted that despite frequent announcements by mail and Facebook, uptake by early career physicians can be slow. Conversing with junior colleagues, actively encouraging them to participate, proposing cases and/or abstracts, and helping them in the preparation and submission has been shown to be effective. So, my feeling is that informing our fellows is important, but not enough. Direct encouragement and active participation are essential in order to attract as many participants as possible.
If you have any other suggestions about how to reach young colleagues with an interest in IBD & Nutrition please let me know.
Thanks to your support, all past ESGE Quality in Endoscopy symposia have been wonderfully popular and I would be extremely grateful for your help to make the upcoming meeting equally successful.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Best regards
Klaus Mönkemüller
ESGE Quality in Endoscopy IBD & Nutrition Co-Chair