ISG Hybrid Winter Meeting 2022
Endoscopy E-Poster - Second Prize
Conor Costigan
Tallaght University Hospital, Dublin
Cloud Technology And Capsule Endoscopy: A single Centre Users’ Experience Of Online Video Analysis And Reporting
TBA (22W159)
Cloud Technology And Capsule Endoscopy: A single Centre Users’ Experience Of Online Video Analysis And Reporting.
C Costigan, J O’Connell, F O’Hara, T Manoharan, Y Bailey, C Walker, E Omallao, D McNamara.
Department of Gastroenterology, Tallaght University Hospital, Dublin
Virtual medicine has progressed significantly. The use of newer & more integrated IT systems can improve healthcare delivery. The development of the world’s first interactive cloud-based capsule platform could allow for the safe and timely virtual analysis of videos from a network of linked centres.
To assess the efficacy of Medtronic’s PillCam Remote Reader System.
PillCam Remote Reader technical data was collected from the capsule endoscopy database and hospital server over a 6 month period. User-reported performance was collect using an online survey. Outcomes included: Overall procedure success, video upload and report download success rates and speeds, video analysis & technical success, encryption/decryption rates, and user/reader satisfaction.
Data from 162 studies allocated to 7 different readers was collected, 141 SBCE, 21 CCE and 1 Crohn’s capsule. Overall procedure success, video upload / download, rates were 100%. Only 2 upload delays occurred (both <24 hours). All videos were reported, in 1(0.6%) a Lewis score could not be completed. There were no encryption/decryption errors. 100% of respondents felt it easy to access and use, in contrast to 30% for the old system. 71% felt it increased department efficiency and 85% would ‘definitely’ incorporate it into future practice. Self-reported additional benefits included: off-site reading, enabling multisite conferences. Users reported issues included admin support for uploading, and lack of access to other hospital system while offsite.
PillCam remote reader is a reliable, secure and effective capsule analysis platform and should be incorporated into any capsule service development plan.