TBA (22W107)
Photographic Evidence of Rectal Retro-flexion during Colonoscopy at UHK
Amad U H Bhatti, E. Myres, Muhammad A. Saifullah, N. Sultan, Israr Un Nabi
Department of Gastroenterology/ University Hospital Kerry
Image documentation during endoscopy has an important role in both upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopic reporting. The RCPI National Endoscopy QI Program recommends, clear photographic evidence of terminal ileum, caecum or anastomosis and rectum must be obtained. ESGE also indorse that and ASGE says still photography allows verification of rectal examination of an individual endoscopist in the continuous quality improvement program.
To establish whether rectal retro-flexion images are taken and documented in the final reports according to guidelines
A total of 381 Colonoscopy reports were reviewed using Unisoft GI reporting tool at University Hospital Kerry, from Jan, 2022 to Feb, 2022. Each report has been individually checked whether there is an imaging evidence of rectal retro-flexion is present or not.
381 Colonoscopies were performed during this period, 238(62.46%) reports have photographic evidence of rectal retro-flexion (N=381) while 143(37.53%) have no images of rectal retro-flexion
Proper documentation of rectal images is important in verification of rectal retro-flexion for adequate visualization of rectum. These anatomical land marks should be included in images on endoscopy reports. We recommended in our unit to have a uniform policy that these land marks should be included in colonoscopy image reporting and re-audit in six months to assess improvement in documentation.